Category: Blog

Time to replace your Mac Server

In January this year we started upgrading Mac servers to Mojave, and it’s been a challenge for those of us that do Apple Mac tech support for a living. Apple have been quietly changing their focus away from macOS Server over the last few years. The latest version is missing some vital tools, resulting in […]

Make your Mac run faster

You sit there, staring at your Mac’s screen. First it’s the startup screen, then you’re waiting for Word to launch. Then you need Photoshop, so you wait for that too. You wait and wait and wait, wondering who’s the boss here. You avoid restarting your Mac because it takes so long to do so. You […]

Can an iPad replace your Mac?

Apple recently upgraded their popular iPad Pro line of tablets, and – for the first time – the marketing message has significantly changed. Apple wants you to ditch your “normal” computer and use an iPad instead. Apple’s marketing tells us that “it will make you rethink what iPad is capable of” and “what a computer is capable […]

Scam: “I know your password”

The latest scam we’ve seen – “I know your password” – is both beautiful and scary. Read on to find out how to beat it. Recently, some of our clients have reported receiving strange emails. These are more than the run-of-the-mill spam, they are from persons unknown claiming to know one of your passwords. And […]

Get 3 Years of Tax Deductions in 3 Weeks!

Right now the Australian government is practically throwing money at you in the form of tax benefits. What are they and how can you take advantage of them? Read on! A few weeks ago I wrote a blog post titled Replace or Die, showing a number of recent hardware failures experienced by our clients, and when you should […]

Replace or Die

Over the past 4 weeks, the iHelp IT office has been inundated with a number of iMacs, MacBook Pros, and PCs with hardware problems. In the words of the late, great, Tyler Durden, “on a long-enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero”*. Computers are no different. Parts wear out and die the death. What struck […]

10 Reasons to Upgrade to iPhone X TODAY

Finally. At last. About time! It’s taken a good while, but you can get an iPhone X today; just walk into an Apple store or your nearest and dearest telco; they all have them in numerous quantities. But should you? I’ve never been one of those guys that lined up outside an Apple Store to […]

New Mandatory Data Breach Notification Laws

New Mandatory Data Breach Notification laws came into effect during February. Catherine Higgins from Lawbase explains how these laws affect you, and what you need to do in the event of a breach. Why are they needed? Strong data management is integral to the operation of businesses and government agencies worldwide.  At the same time, data analysis has been […]